Peter Chocolate & His Mom


We met Peter Chocolate, a cautious, but loving chocolate brown Chihuahua and his mom near Skid Row, Los Angeles. After examination, our LA Vet Lead Dr. Nichole noticed that Peter Chocolate had severe dental disease - grade 5 out of 5. A part of Project Street Vet's work is to ensure pets we come across during our outreach have access to veterinary care we cannot provide on the streets. Through our supporters, our team was able to help fund for the crucial dental procedure Peter Chocolate needed to continue a happy, healthy life. After surgery, this is what his mom wrote us:

"I want to express my deepest, most heartfelt, gratitude to your whole team for helping my best friend Peter Chocolate! My little Min Pin aka "Petey", or "Chocolate boy" got through his surgery just fine and he's all healed up and is one happy little guy! He has actually started to be calmer and more friendly with the other dogs in the neighborhood which wasn't the case before the surgery. He would always avoid them, especially if they came up near his mouth. He has also started to allow me to pet his face and his muzzle and massage his little nose. That's something I've almost never been able to do.

This makes me so happy for him to live somewhat of a normal life without pain. He's such a good little dog and so extremely loyal and patient with me, through all we've been through. He's always been my very loyal, protective companion and service dog and he's always helps me through everything I go through. It broke my heart almost daily that he quietly suffered. I knew he was in some level of pain continuously, and I will always do my best to care for him as if he was my human companion. And I just never had the funds to help him out. 

What you all did has taken such a huge weight off of my shoulders because for years it's always been in my mind and the resources just weren't there for me to help him. I can't even express how grateful I am. You have not only blessed him but you have blessed me beyond measure. Thank you to each and everyone of you for doing what you do. And Petey could talk he would be thanking you as well!"

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