Justin and Um
Justin rescued “Um” from a dumpster when he was just a kitten. Today they share an unbreakable bond, “keeping each other warm at night,” as Justin told our team.
Originally from Arkansas, Justin traveled across country after losing his job and landed in California. He had been living out of a tent in Los Angeles and working towards getting a job when one day he heard meowing coming out of a nearby dumpster. When he looked inside, he discovered there was a tiny kitten! He rescued him and named his new friend Um.
Our team met Justin skateboarding in Venice Beach with Um enjoying a ride on his shoulders. Justin told us, “I taught him how to skateboard when he was a kitten. I took him to a parking lot and practiced with him for 3 days and he got used it pretty quickly. My shoulders are his safe spot.”
Days after meeting them, we got a frantic call from Justin explaining that Um had been hit by a car, leaving all of us in tears. Normally on leash when outside, Um had gotten out of their tent and into the street. We raced to his location to transport Um to a hospital, where it was discovered that the impact of injury caused a hernia and a broken femur. The situation put Um’s life in danger, and he required an emergency surgery.
Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, we were able to get Um the surgery he needed, which was successful in treating his injuries and saving his life. We were able to reunite Um and Justin, who was in tears from the help they received. Justin had his best friend back, and they would soon be skateboarding again. “By far, he’s been the best thing I’ve ever had.”